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VPN Azure Service - Build VPN from Home to Office without Firewall PermissionVPN Azure is a free-of-charge cloud VPN service provided by SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, Japan. It is currently operated at University of Tsukuba as an academic-purpose experiment. VPN Azure cloud is intended to continue a free-of-charge use for now and in future continuously. What is VPN Azure?VPN Azure is a cloud service for power-user in the company who wants to build a VPN between his office PC and his home PC. If your company doesn't have a VPN infrastructure, you can make your own VPN Server in your office PC by just your power. VPN traffics are relayed by the VPN Azure Cloud Servers, so you need not to ask your network administrator to open a TCP or UDP port on the firewall or NAT. You can install the VPN Server, by yourself, on your home PC without Administrators privilege. No need to trouble your administrator to install the software. No specific VPN client software is required. VPN Azure can be used from Windows built-in SSTP VPN Client. VPN Azure Service makes it possible for any employees in the company to have their own and specific VPN Server in each work PC. From now on, let's build your own VPN to your office and make yourself enable to access file servers and groupware in your company from anywhere.
Why VPN Azure?Make your office PC a dedicated VPN server for yourself.Conventional VPN server products needs to be installed and configured by network administrators. NAT or firewall must be set up to open a TCP/UDP port. At least one fixed and global IP address necessary. VPN Azure deregulates that limitation. If you use VPN Azure, you can connect from your home or mobile PC into your office PC easily. Your office PC becomes your dedicated VPN server. The VPN server initiates the TCP tunnel from the office PC towards a VPN Azure Cloud relay server, by behaving a normal HTTPS connection. Once such a "from behind a firewall" connection established, you can now connect to that VPN Azure Cloud relay server from anywhere, and be able to access any shared folders, mail servers or groupware in your office as if you are sitting just in front of your desk in the office. Easy to Install VPN Server. No System Administrator Privilege Required.In your office PC, you can install SoftEther VPN Server. SoftEther VPN Server can be installed without any administrator privilege. You don't have to ask the network administrator to do it. This is a benefit for both you and the administrator to reduce a work. SoftEther VPN Server runs in user-mode space, thus it is so safe. Use Windows Built-in VPN Client. No Need to Install VPN Client Software.VPN Azure supports SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol) which was developed by Microsoft Corporation. Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / RT has a built-in VPN Client for SSTP. Therefore you need not to install any additional VPN software in the client PC. It is very easy to try. You can also use the latest Windows RT tablets. Of course, you can install SoftEther VPN Client in your older PC (Windows XP or earlier) to connect to VPN Azure. High-level Security.All VPN traffics over the Internet are encrypted by SSL (TLS 1.0). The user-authentication processing is performed in the VPN server's side, which is in your office PC. The VPN Azure cloud has no involvement to conduct the user authentication process. Only you and your trusted persons who knows a username and password registered on the VPN Server can access to the VPN server securely. Works also on Windows RT (Windows 8 on ARM) Tablets.VPN Azure service supports the Microsoft's latest operating system "Windows RT" (ARM-version Windows 8). You can make a VPN connection from your Windows RT tablet to your office PC and remote access to PCs in the corporate network. It improves your mobile performance.
Frequently Asked QuestionsAny method to improve the speed dramatically?Yes. Install SoftEther VPN Client software on the home PC (client-side PC) instead of using MS-SSTP VPN built-in client. A pair of SoftEther VPN Client and SoftEther VPN Server will try to make a fast UDP-based VPN link between them, even if both or any parties are behind the NAT or firewall. In order to make a fast UDP-based VPN link, SoftEther VPN exploits the UDP Hole Punching (NAT-Traversal) technique. If your SSTP-VPN is very slow, install SoftEther VPN Client in the client-side PC. It will surprise you at high-throughput and low-latency.
What is the purpose why do you provide VPN Azure to make network administrators unnecessary to open TCP/UDP ports on the firewall? And what is the reason why there is the strong "User-Mode Installation" method on the VPN Server?Traditional legacy VPN servers are needed to be placed by network administrators in a corporate network. Such a VPN Server is concentrates all user's VPN traffics at one point. However, today's companies are required to change to eliminate the costs for IT. There are a few network administrators in the company, but there are a lot of demands and a lot of varieties to prepare VPN servers in the company. Legacy VPNs need the administrator to manage the opening-port management on the firewall or NAT. If every employees set up their own VPN servers in each desktop PCs in the office, the administrator will be exhausted, and the TCO will be increased unlimitedly. SoftEther Developers has philosophy that "Every corporate computer users should gain a power and ability to host their each own VPN server by self-help" . We believe that every computer users in the company should learn the concepts and essentials of VPN, and be smarter than their network administrators. As the results, network administrators are no longer necessary to perform a lot of jobs for trivial requests from employees. Then network administrators will be able to concentrate more essential and important works in such ideal future. In order to realize such future, we are attempting to introduce the "User-Mode Installation" option for SoftEther VPN Server. It can be installed by user himself. No longer need to ask his system administrators. By using SoftEther VPN Server and VPN Azure, each employee of the company can host "dedicated-only-for-him" VPN Server in each PCs. Using VPN Azure also no longer need to ask the firewall administrator to open any TCP/UDP port on the FW or NAT. This is a solution to reduce the requirements of efforts by system administrators, and benefits the entire company in the long-term viewpoint.
Do I have to obtain a permission from system administrator before install it?You need no administrator's privileges to install. However, you should obtain a permission from your system administrators by mouth if your company has a rule to require to do so. If your system administrator doesn't permit it, you should take a permission from his superior instead.
Can I use Windows RT (e.g. Microsoft Surface) as a VPN Client?Yes, you can. Windows RT has a built-in Microsoft SSTP VPN Client by default.
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VPN Azure Cloud Service by SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba, Japan. Copyright © 2012-2025 SoftEther Project at University of Tsukuba. All Rights Reserved. VPN Azure Service is hosted at Academic Computing & Communications Center, University of Tsukuba, Japan. English | 日本語 |